Friday 16 October 2015

Film Opening Analysis 4: The Cabin in the Woods

Director: Drew Goddard
Writers: Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Runtime: 95 minutes
"Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods." - IMD
From the very beginning of this movie, the genre is established. The first Ident to show up is the Lionsgate ident. Normally, this ident would feature two doors opening onto a bright, sunny sky, with clouds. However, in this movie, the doors open onto red clouds that look like they could be fire. This shows that the movie will be dark and horrific. There is a use of binary opposition here, and it could be said that the two different Lionsgate idents are representation of heaven/hell.  This then fades to black. Pools of blood then appear on the black screen. The font that appears, saying "Lionsgate Presents" is simplistic and red which further hint towards the genre. The font also fades out which gives a mysterious tone.
After a sequence of two men talking in a work area, the title appears suddenly along with a strange, muffled scream. The title is big, bold and red. It looks almost comedic as it looks quite amateur, which is done for effect as the movie isn't scary yet.
The names of the actors appear on different places on the screen, in red.  
The colours and music in this opening sequence play a large role in defining the genre and establishing a certain feeling to the film. The colour red has connotations of violence/ death, and just the fact that it's blood, further establishes the genre of horror. The colour black has dark and scary connotations. After the title sequence there is a swipe up, and the scene changes. There is a close up on a coffee machine. There are two men chatting, and this signifies work and friendship as they seem close and are also in an office area, wearing shirts and ties. 

Narrative Exposition 
The most prominent theory used is the theory of binary opposition; the title sequence vs the scene in the office, the opposition between characters; the weak girl and the strong man.

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