Tuesday 23 February 2016

Practice Shoot 1 TBC

We got together and filmed most of the interior scenes.
Jon then edited them together for a rough cut. This gave us a good idea of what needs to be changed/added and if any of the scenes need to be re-shot.

(set in video of practice shoot) 

I think that the scenes we shot are quite effective and the variety in camera angles and positions works well. The shot that I think is particularly effective is the last one where a shadow of my hand can be seen and the red nail polish spills onto the surface. The way that we used the shadow to show my hand I think works really well and it is also a good use of foreshadowing, and a good place to insert a flash forward.

We also discussed the things that didn't go quite as well. At the moment, the editing is too fast paced. However this can be fixed by trimming the clips less, so having them shown for a longer amount of time. The establishing shot of the house at the beginning lasts for too long.
Also in the low angle shot where I am holding my hand above the camera, we did a focus pull from my face to my hand and this is barely seen as the shot is too short. We could perhaps choose a different shot of me looking into the cupboard and taking out the nail polish as we filmed this multiple times so there is possibly one of those that we could choose that would work better.

1 comment:

  1. still TBC. Illustration through screenshots (including software) or short clips/screen recordings help the post AND Eval Qs


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